frequently asked


Any doubts? Here are some of the questions our customers ask us. We hope we can clear up your doubts, otherwise you can contact us.

Yes, you can… Well, you can if it’s not a lot of things that could disturb the other customer on the boat.

In case of need, we are happy to keep your things in our care until the end of the trip.

Yes, they do! However, children under the age of 10 pay a reduced price.



According to the law in Portugal, children count in the same way as an adult for the capacity of the boat. Therefore, regardless of age, a seat must always be reserved for each child, even if they want to go on their parents’ lap.

Yes, you pay the total amount at the time of booking.



Well, for us to manage our tour as good as possible, we need to have full control of the booked seats and avoid over bookings and last minute cancellations.

We have a 48-hour cancellation policy for a full refund.

We advice comfortable clothing that is somewhat water proof, since you will be sitting down through out the trip. To get on and off the boat your feet will be in the water, so we advice flip flops or sandals for your convenience.

Of course! You’re welcome to bring your phone and camera to take pictures of the beautiful cost line. Our boat is new and very stable, however you’re at sea and you should be careful with your devices. We don’t take any responsibility of lost objects.

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